Best Friend

Rottweiler Facts


Rottweilers are a huge commitment. Because they are such a smart breed, they tend to take over in a family as "alpha" if someone doesn't train them properly. You must commit to daily training for the lifetime of your Rottweiler. Puppies are loads of work with any breed, but Rotties are very smart and will try to be “in charge” whenever possible. You need to let this breed know who is boss.


This breed needs to be exercised on a daily basis because they are lazy by nature and will enjoy just laying around and eating. The leaner you can keep your rottie, the longer his life span will be. The exercise will be good for both of you.


Some people think that Rottweilers are nasty by nature and as a result Rotties get a bad reputation. Rottweilers are just like any animal. If you treat them kindly, they will respond with kindness. If you are mean to them, they will be forced to go on the defensive. Because a Rott is a dog which will be over 50 pounds, they can do more damage than a smaller breed. Therefore, if your Rottweiler is not well trained, you have a potential weapon on your hands.


Rottweilers are clowns and love to be the center of attention. They need love and playtime with their humans. While it is difficult to ignore the equivalent of a baby "horse" running around your house, sometimes people get mad when they get stepped on or pushed over. This responsibility is that of the human. It boils down to training. Don't allow your Rottweilers to jump. Don't play "tug of war" games with your Rottweiler. If you put them in a position where they can win or lose, they will most certainly want to win. People, especially small ones can get hurt because this breed is so large.


Rottweilers love to push their rear ends into you and lean on you if they love you. They also tend to step on your feet and hurt. Please wear slippers or shoes in your house when playing with your rottie.


Never get ANY dog if they are not going to be a part of your family. People get Rottweilers in their home and do not realize how large they will get. The solution to getting the dog out of their hair is to put them outside. Rotties don't like to be on a chain outside your home, looking in, watching their humans having fun without them. Each moment you leave your Rottweiler, you break their heart. Remember that while you have a full life, they only have YOU.


Rottweilers all look very similar but originated in Rottweil, Germany. German Rottweilers look a bit different to their American or Roman bred cousins. They have very symmetrical features and large "block" heads. Although each Rottie has his or her own personality, they all look very similar. It is easy to recognize that very regal look and very confident nature.


Rotties are part of a breed called “Working Class”. In days of old, their strong muscular bodies made pulling carts a great job for them. No family in Germany was without their trusty Rottweiler to pull carts full of goods from point A to point B.
